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Laser snoring therapy

Since laser snoring therapy cannot be used for every snoring problem, a detailed medical history is first taken. If it is determined that laser snoring therapy can be performed, the therapy convinces with its effectiveness. The treatment is well tolerated, painless, and no use of anesthesia is required.

Any questions?

We will be happy to advise you in detail about the services of our dental practice for children in Mainz. Simply make an appointment!

Laserschnarchtherapie beim Kinderzahnarzt in Mainz

How does snoring develop and is it dangerous?

Before we explore the possibility of using laser for your snoring therapy, the reason for your snoring must be discussed. For this purpose, we perform a detailed anamnesis and diagnostics.

During sleep, our muscles relax. The tissues in the throat and mouth also slacken. Air is drawn in through breathing, causing the tissues to vibrate. Simple snoring is annoying, but usually harmless. As soon as breathing pauses during sleep, it can become dangerous. It can then be obstructive sleep apnea. This is often accompanied by difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep, morning headaches, dry mouth, and reduced concentration and performance.

If your snoring activity has other causes - for example, large tonsils, tumors, pronounced deviated septum - laser snoring therapy cannot be used.

What is the procedure of laser snoring treatment?

After a detailed preliminary consultation in our dental practice in Mainz, the actual treatment stimulates the tissue in the palate region to form the body's own collagen and thus sustainably tightens it. The diameter of the airways widens again, there is an improvement in airflow and a related improvement in oxygen intake.

How many sessions are necessary?

In most cases, three sessions of 20-minute treatment each are necessary to achieve the desired result.

Is the treatment painful?

During the treatment you will feel at most a slight tingling sensation. Local anesthesia or anesthesia will not be necessary.

Do I have to pay for the treatment myself?

The laser snoring treatment is not covered by the statutory health insurance. You have to pay for the treatment yourself.


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